TEDx Talks
日本の食を守るのはあなたの意識|Your attention to protect Japanese food products | Masahiko Kato | TEDxNamba
What protects Japanese food products is your attention.
Japanese food products are in face of danger....
Mr. Masahiko Kato is known around Japan for one of the sixth industry planners that Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF) promotes.
He worries about the future of Japanese foods because of social issues which Japan is facing right now such as
low price competition and disguised p
roduction area.
What should we do to change this situation? And, how do Japanese food products supposed to be?
Needless to say foods are essential parts of our lives, so why don't we think about Japanese foods together now?
フラットフィールド株式会社代表取締役 1964年の大阪生まれ大阪育ち、二人の娘を持つ。 バブル崩壊の煽りでそれまでの建築関係の会社が倒産の危機に全く、異業種の水産会社へ転職し販売に従事。 販売実績が認められ、当時売り上げ日本一だった店舗へ転籍となりバイヤー、販売兼務のマネージャーとなる。 差別化戦略の一環として産直イベントを実施し、行列の出来るイベントを次々と企画した事で多くのメディアより、カリスマバイヤーと評される様になり密着取材で紹介される様になる。その後、退職し起業。 現在は農水省が薦める6次産業化のプランナーとして全国の生産者に寄り添い高付加価値化の為奔走を続けている。
Mr.Kato was born in 1964 in Osaka and grew up there. He is a father of two daughters.
Due to the bubble burst, the architecture company he had been working for faced bankruptcy crisis. So he changed a job and started working at a fishery company which was totally different from his previous one and engaged in selling.
Then, as a result of his effort, he became a manager of buyers and salespersons at the top store in sales at that time.
Because he carried out events of vegetables directly from the farm and organized multiple popular events as differentiation strategies, he caught the attention of a lot of the media as a “charismatic buyer”.
Then, he resigned the job and launched a business.
Now, He is busy collaborating with producers all around Japan as “the sixth industry planner” that Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF) promotes to add high value to the products. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx