Each of us can get used to many things. In my case, for example, when I arrived in Japan, I got used to add nori leaf to my meals after the ever first purchase of it, also onigiri* became lunch decision during busy days. These little changes in the daily life change quicker or slower regarding to the one's motivation. Sometimes, of course, there are things which we simply can not accept. For example, having a mask when taking a picture with a great Expo 2025 statue close to one of the most popular place in Osaka - Dotonbori. It is great to be in the society where everyone wears a mask, but because of the masks I can't see people's beautiful smiles. *rice ball in Japanese
However, since the first day in Osaka I felt a society feeling, wherever I go, I feel I will have the same reaction and attitude from everyone after whatever I do. Japanese people living in Osaka are tend to be in peace with everyone, if we refer to the first blog article, and, because they are thought to solve things in a clear manner since childhood. It is very good for everyone within Japanese society to have this mindset at home with the family and at schools within the class or at the job place. In this ever changing industrial reality and with increase of incoming international people as me, I wonder if Japan society can keep its manners longer.
TEDx Namba has welcomed many wonderful people related to Kansai area to let the society hear what a great impact on the environment 1 person can make. TED/TEDx community exists not for teaching someone what and how to do, but it inspires the public with many stories, and the most wonderful thing is that every person, each one of us, has their unique story. Dear Reader, whatever you decide to do, do it with a great passion to make your positive impact on the environment and society you live in!
TEDx Nambaは、関西にゆかりのある多くの素晴らしい方々をお迎えし、一人の人間が持てる力で、どのように社会に大きな影響を与えることができるのかを、皆に発信しています。TED/TEDxコミュニティは、誰かに何をどのように行うかを教えるために存在するのではなく、多くのストーリーで多くの人々を鼓舞しています。最も素晴らしいことは、すべての人、私たち一人一人が独自のストーリーを持っていることです。親愛なる読者の皆さん、あなたが何かをしようと決心したら、あなたが住んでいる環境と社会にあなたがプラスの影響を与えるために、大きな情熱を持って行動してみてください!
"Culture is what binds us together as one world"
Every human being is unique and important. Important for the society building. The society is a community we can build only together. Since 18th of century world's fair (known as Expo) is the exhibition where society living within it's country's borders can represent themselves in a specific area. This world's largest international exhibition is designed to showcase the achievements of nations. The next exhibition - Expo 2025 will be held in Osaka, Japan. Do you know what means myaku - myaku? This is the logo name of the next Osaka Expo 2025. The meaning of the logo name "Culture is what binds us together as one world" in English is something passed from generation to generation, which reminds the Japanese strong society bounds - people. Thanks to the efficient information spread throughout the people, everyone can live the feeling of safety. Especially during the Covid pandemic and the nationwide recovery period. But, with opening not only physically the country borders for inbound flights, as well as having more Japanese people with opened mindset brings diversity and change. We can await from the Osaka Expo 2025 a meaningful impact on not only the Japanese education in the family, in the schools and in the workplace, but in the whole world.
すべての人間はユニークで重要です。社会を形づくるのにも重要です。社会は私たちが唯一一緒に構築できるコミュニティです。18世紀以来、万国博覧会(博覧会として知られています)は、国内にいながら、生き生きとしたコミュニティが特定の地域で自分たちを表現できる展示会です。この世界最大の国際展示会は、各国の業績を紹介するように設計されています。次の展示会-Expo2025は日本の大阪で開催されます。ところで、ミャク-ミャクとはどういう意味か知っていますか? 次期大阪万博2025のキャラクターロゴの名前です。英語で「文化は私たちを一つの世界として結びつけるものです」というロゴネームの意味は、世代から世代へと受け継がれてきたものであり、日本の強い「人との絆」を思い出させます。便利な情報が人づてに広まっているおかげで、誰もが安心感を持って生きることができます。特にコロナ渦における全国的な回復期間の間は、そうだったと思います。しかし、国境が海外から来たフライトに物理的に開放されるだけでなく、オープンマインドな日本人が増えることで、多様性や変化がもたらされます。大阪万博2025から、家庭、学校、職場だけでなく、全世界の日本の教育に有意義な影響が及ぶことが期待できます。
"Balance between something passed from generation to generation,
and being opened for diversity and change"
In this digital focused century an individual hardly can guess what changes we are supposed to adapt in order to live in harmony. Let's let Osaka Expo 2025 influence significant change in the way we, people, in Japan and worldwide, react and respond to each other! Until then, let's inspire for change from the previous and this year's TEDx Namba speakers - check it out.
このデジタル化が進んだ時代には、個人が、調和して生きるためにどのような変化に適応すべきかを推測することはほとんどできません。さぁ、大阪万博2025で、私たち、日本、そして世界中の人々が反応し、お互いに共鳴するような大きな変化をもたらしましょう! それまでは、前回と今年のTEDxNambaイベントに登壇したスピーカーからの変化のための刺激を獲得しましょう。
TEDxNamba 2023 Event "WEATHER" will be held on March 25. Click here to buy a ticket! ( deadline to apply is 3/24 12:00!) TEDxNamba2023 イベント"WEATHER"が、3/25に開催されます。
チケット購入はこちら (応募締め切りは3/24 12:00まで)
Airita Erte アイリタ・エルテ
TEDxNamba PR team member, writes blog articles by living in Japan and being inspired from Osaka locals. She has experienced to work together with Japanese people and studies Japanese.
大阪の人達からインスパイアされるようなブログ制作に取り組んでいる、TEDxNamba PRチームメンバー。日本語を勉強しながら、日本人とともに働く経験をしている。